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Not Done Yet.. Yes i can work on Multiple stories at once..

Aden was on his way home from a NIN concert with a few of his friends, Sammy and Malcolm. It was 1:30 in the morning and it was still 91 degrees . Malcolm had his head hanging out the window.

"can we stop to get some thing to eat Aden?" Sammy leaned of the front seat.

Aden didn't hear her over the Music playing and Malcolm yelling at the deer on the side of the road.

"ADEN!" he nodded to let her know he was listening, " Can we stop and get something to eat?"

"Yeah, the next town is 30 mile. What do you want" Aden turn the music down to get Malcolm's attention.

"Why did you turn that down?" he pulled back in the car. "And why the hell is it so hot in here?"

"I turned the A/C off so the engine won’t over heat and what do you want to eat?"

"Well I don’t really care I just want to go home," Malcolm stuck his head out the window again.

"Boy he's a lot of help," Aden gestured for Sammy to crawl up in the front seat.


"What do you want to eat?" Aden slowed down as he entered the town.

"Convent store is fine," Sammy took the NIN CD out. "I've had enough for now," she turned the radio on.

"I'm going to fall asleep If I don't get some sleep and it's another 130 mile ‘til home," Aden pulled in to a gas station.

"Let me drive," Sammy got out to put gas in the Jeep.

"No, you're falling asleep in the back and I don’t' trust Malcolm with my car," Aden got out and headed in the store, Malcolm fallowed.

“why don’t you trust me with your car?” Malcolm grabbed up a stick of jerky and a sandwich.

“Because, don’t you remember last summer when you “barrowed” my car,” they got up to he counter as Sammy walked in the store.

“Twenty-one fifty for gas, and a twenty ounce coffee to add to that purchase,” She walked right by them and got her coffee.

“Your total is thirty-two sixty seven,” Aden paid for the stuff and they were off to find a hotel.

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