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I wrote this for an Engilish Paper..

Train 13


It was Halloween afternoon and Jake and his friends were hanging out in front of the mall like usual. Leeann and mark were playing Hackey Sac; Jake was massing with his board and Matt and Jocelyn were playing hang man on their arms.

Leeann kicked the sac over too far and went to pick it up. In stead a hand swooped it up, “ Hay that’s our hackey sac give it back!” Just then she say it was Zak.

“ And who bought it for you?” Zak was always like that. Leeann hated him and always had since the day he had set her cat on fire in the fourth grade. “Hey kid brother,” Matt looked up and saw Zak, “What’s your trio times two minus one doing today?”

“Jack crap like always. Why?” Matt stood up and brushed his pants off.

“Just wondering,” he went over to Jake. “New trucks?”

“No,” Jake jerked his board back from Zak’s gripped.

“I’ve got the money for new ones and I’ll make you a bet.” Zak waved the money in his face. The whole time the group was watching them both. All of them knew that neither Jake or Zak could pass up a bet.

“What is it?” Jake stood up and looked ready to jump on Zak in an instant.

“Well rumor has it Train 13 is going to make it to our train station tonight at midnight,” no one got what he was talking about. “You guys have never heard of Train 13?” everyone gave him a blank stare. “Sit down I’ll tell you guys the story.” Everyone slowly moved onto a random car in the parking lot.

“Zak, are you going to waste our time like usual or is this bet going to be worth while this time?” Mark didn’t like Zak wasting his time.

“Wait and see Marky Mark,” he jumped on top of the car. “So can I start?”

“Why not?” Leeann put the hackey sac away.

“Okay,” Zak rubber his hands together, “ Lets start. This was about fifteen years ago on this very night when Jack the Crazy was driving his train through the old train station. You can guess why they called him Jack the Crazy, am I right? Anyways this night he was even crazier then usual. He had yelled out of his engine after all the passengers had boarded, ’ You’re in for a Hell of a ride!’ and then let a crazy laugh,” Zak laughed wickedly.

“When the train stared off it gathered speed quickly. It was going so fast that the wheels and the tracks were setting off sparks. He drove the train right off the track and in to a river near by. He killed all the passengers in cluding him self.”

“Some say if you go down to the old train station on Halloween you can get on Train 13, but you never come back. They say when your on the car the lights flicker and you smell the stench of rotting bodies just before you reach the gates of the underworld. You don’t remember anything after that.”

“If that was true your wouldn’t know the signs Idiot,” Jake pointed out to everyone.

“What ever you want to believe Jake,” Zak jumped off the car. “Why don’t you go find out if the story is true and I’ll give you the money.”

“Heck no!” Jake didn’t want to risk his life for new trucks.

“No money, no trucks.” Zak walked over to him.

“Alright! Fine I’ll do it, but I want half now and half afterwards.”

“Okay but you have to take Matt and Jocelyn with you,” Zak looked at his kid brother.

“Okay deal!”

“What I can’t go out that late Zak you know that,’ Matt stepped between them.

“Don’t worry I’ll cover for you,” Zak pushed him out of the way and shook hands with Jake.

A few hours later the tree found them selves at the old train station waiting

on the platform, “How did I get into this mess?” Matt asked.

“Jakes frigging passion for skating,” Jocelyn threw a rock at the empty track.

“Man I knew it was a fake,” Jack jumped down on the tracks. Just hen they start to shake. “GET ME OUT OF HERE!” Jake yelled. Matt grabbed his hands and pulled him up in time. They stood side by side on the plat form facing the Train 13. The door opened and the light practically blinded them.

“Well?” Matt grabbed Jocelyn’s hand and looked at Jake.

“Lets get this over with,” Jake walked in the car while the others fallowed him. The train started to moved and they all looked at each other in terror. They all sat in silence for a few minutes and then Jake started pacing.

“Would you stop that!” Matt yelled at him.

“No! If you would have given me the loan three weeks ago we would be out tick or treating with my little brother,” Jake stopped at looked at him.

“My fault? How bout the bet Jake doesn’t that have anything to do with this?” Matt stood up when the lights started flickering.

“You guys top fighting!” Jocelyn yelled.

“That was the first sign Matt,” Jake went pale. “We’re all going to die!” he yelled at the top of his lungs.

“No we are not Jake. You said so your self it’s all fake,” Matt look for

Jocelyn. She was at the window and turned around pale as Jake.

“There’s sparks Mathew,” She curled up into fetal position and stared to cry.

That when Matt realized they were going to die. He got a whiff of the air. It smelled

like a dead bird that been left outside in the sun for three days. They saw flames

outside the windows and screamed bloody murder. Then the car stopped suddenly. They were all clung together like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Then a

shadow appeared in the door, “TAKE THEM I’M NOT GOOD TASTING!” Jake shoved Matt and Jocelyn forward.

The shadow moved forward slowly towards them and hit the light, “What are you

kids doing down here?” a deep voice bellowed out a man. They all looked at him in


“Umm. You aren’t Jack the Crazy,” Jake pointed out.

“Oh are you guys down here for that stupid myth?” they all nodded and

looked ashamed. “Well lets get you guys on the right train home, okay?” they all got

out of the car and saw that they we’re in an underground coal mine and felt

very stupid.

The next morning Zak asked them if they got down the underworld. They all said yes and led him on for a while. It died down in a few weeks and life went back to normal… Whatever that is.



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